Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Analysis of Previous A2 Coursework

Music Video finalfinalfinale from Haydon Media on Vimeo.

The previous A2 music video I will be analyzing is Clare's due to the fact that I believe it is successful at capturing audiences attention as well as produced to a high standard that could be considered a professional piece of work for Kodaline themselves. The overall style of the music video fits the song lyrics perfectly which allows the video to be more engaging and realistic for an audience member, meaning the lyrically meaning is emphasised and the audience are able to relate to the music video and lyrics. 

When considering the props and costumes within the video, one can instantly identify the time period to be 50's due to the type of clothing the female and male actors are wearing. The woman dressed in a formal, flowing dress as well as the man in smart clothing with bold patterns and intriguing accessories such as a bow tie and her styling of hair to be curled and large with a quiff. When considering the style for my music video I shall use the idea Clare had to having clothing and make up that stands out and is memorable yet I feel I will use a soft rock/pop punk style, rather than 50's to suit my music video better. 

When starting the music video Clare has a extreme close up shot of an old females eyes, emphasising the music video concentrates on the lyrics and emotions. The shot begins without the music solely focusing on the frame and so first putting forward to the audience the idea that the music video is based on a story of this women or what she has experienced. The first shot is clear and in colour focusing solely on her eyes and so highlights the music video to be slow and calming, looking back on past memories.

The use of the camera angles and movements within Clare's music video are very effective, capturing what she wants the audience to see and portraying how they should feel through the actors facial expressions and movements. Clare ensures that she shows the audience what she specifically wants them to see and for a reason that relates to the musics lyrics. Clare has changed the camera shots frequently on the beat of the music due to the slow paced song meaning she needs to catch the audiences attention which I believe she has done successfully. For example, multiple times she changes shots when the actress is putting her make up on in front of the mirror using; close ups and mid shots as well as over the shoulder and reflections in the mirror to create interesting points of views. This is effect as when the audience becomes familiar with the female putting make up on she changes the scene to the male actor getting dressed and styling his hair. This keeps the audience's attention as well as having bright lights and high contrasts to have the colours stand out comparing to the first frame of the old women. Therefore highlighting the frames are conveying thoughts or memories of the woman's and so highlighting the different situations effectively. 

Towards the end of the music video it cuts back to the woman and her face, having the contrast of the colours and camera seem to come out of a dream like state. This confirms the audiences thoughts that these are the women's memories due to ending on a close up of flowers and a photo frame of the young couple at the end, placed next to the bed.  

Due to the songs tempo being slow and calming the camera movements are slow capturing every detail of the actress putting on her make up and detail to highlight the memories are so vivid, furthermore when considering editing all of the cuts are sharp with an odd fade at the beginning and end to give a dream like effect. These techniques create a calm feel and keeps the music video 'mellow'. 

When considering the scene when the couple are dancing, the camera is slow moving, tracking the couples movements and foot work, focusing on the details. This could highlight that when in love one picks up on the details about the other that others do not see. Moreover, the camera shows the woman and male to be seen in an ideal state which shows that this is how the other sees them; perfection.

The music video is a narrative based video, being successful when highlighting the change of scene from the old woman in her bedroom to the thoughts she is having due to the editing and lighting used. The room is dark with bright white lights when watching the dancing connoting emotions of love and happy memories focusing on what is important which was each other due to the background being extremely plain. I believe the music video is extremely successful and it has inspired me when making my own as well as presenting the importance of constantly changing shots when having a slow song to work with to make sure the audience's attention is always captured.

How will this help for my music video?

Analysing a previous A2 student's music video work will aid me to understand and comprehend what is achievable within the time frame I have been given as well as the importance in choosing the correct shots, angles and props to produce the feel i want and what i want the audience to see. Clare's video being similar to mine due to her also choose a slow song and wanting to focus on a persons memories and using the camera to create a dream like state. I chose to analyse this video due to believing choosing a video that had a similar feel to mine would help me even more as I can shoot my video in a similar way. this meaning i would have an idea of what i would be wanting to create, having the same overall effect.

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